therapeutic massage

The best therapeutic massage in Downtown St. Petersburg, FL, is offered at Theta Bodywork. This session is creatively developed to meet clients specific needs by merging the elements of Customized Therapeutic Massage Techniques, Mayofascial Release, Thai Bodywork, and Energy Healing. Cupping or heated stones may be incorporated into your session along with warm towels, weighted eye pillows, and the highest quality essential oils. The intention of this session is to release habituated patterns of holding within the body, on a deeper level, with ease. This style of bodywork is designed for anyone and will be both effective, and relaxing.

balancing relaxation massage

Relaxation Massage Image Peace, Relax, Well Being

A Balancing Relaxation Massage at Theta Bodywork will be nurturing, grounding, and encourage a sense of whole body well-being within. The slow, flowing, full body technique used in this session will allow the nervous system, the mind, and the body to rest. As you rest in the stillness and comfort of your own being the pathway to healing and balance opens with gentle ease. This will reduce stress, increase self compassion, and lead the way towards inner peace.

Prenatal Massage

Hot Stone MAssage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

rosemary mint scalp massage

energy healing

We are energetic beings. Life force in motion, consciousness expressed as human. Beyond our human form we have a bio-field of energy known as our energy body. That energy known scientifically as light and information is connected to the quantum field. The quantum field is where all potential exists. When your energetic frequency is attuned or tuned in and connected to a higher frequency anything is possible. A Theta Bodywork Energy Healing session blends Reiki, Chakra Balancing, and Sound Healing Techniques to expand your awareness and align your energy to the limitless capacity you have to heal.

fascia restore

The fascial system is a three dimensional webbed matrix that covers, separates, and holds together our muscles, organs, nerves, and blood vessels. It is influenced by the way we consume, daily activity, and by the energies we are storing. Healthy fascia allows our bodies to function properly, move with ease, and supports our nervous system, organ function, and immunity. Dysfunctional or bound fascia is correlated to chronic pain patterns, reduced mobility, and impaired lymph drainage. A Fascia Restore Treatment at Theta Bodywork combines the use of infrared heat and specialized tools to gently unwind the fascia aiding in toxin elimination, and whole body regeneration.

conscious connection, compassionate care.