Conscious Connection

What if there was a place you could go to connect in with another human being to recharge your battery? Like a human charging station, similar to an EV charging station. My guess is that you'd want to make sure this charging station was equipped to give you an optimal charge and not just something random delivering an uncertain outcome.

This concept may sound a little out there to some, it's actually not though. Every living element in our world including ourselves is wired to receive information to thrive. The human body for instance receives everything we consume and connect into as information. This information then signals processes in the body towards well-being or stress responses.

Two important valuable lessons I've learned about well-being; the way I consume is either harmful or healing, and to thrive we need to create an environment within ourselves to do this. Also, we heal in conscious connection with each other. When two humans come together to connect in awareness through healing touch like massage the benefits go beyond just the physical.

What information are you receiving through your body|mind? What are you plugging into? Is it helpful and creating an environment of well-being?


Developing A Daily Practice